Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

TOY BOX CLEAN UP (tips from father)

In these tough economic times there is nothing better than helping others. My wife and I recently walked into our sons play room and thought a Toys R Us had exploded in there. We had to take action.

We knew that our son would never miss half of the stuff as he had moved on to a few select toys of choice. We wanted to make it fun for him so we took all of his toys and dumped them in the middle of the room. I know what your thinking, why make a mess worse, well sometimes to truly clean house you have to start from the ground floor.

We had just recently purchased toy bins to organize the room so we were in good shape there. We got ours at IKEA, if you guys are looking for a cheap place to get some good looking stuff for your childs play room that is a great place. So we decided to keep only what would comfortably fit in his toy bins.

Once you get your room sorted we took the toys we knew he could part with and packed them all up and took them down to the good will with our son. We wanted him to be involved the in the whole process. We made sure he was putting the toys in the give away bags and made sure he was there and helped us give them to the nice people at the good will.

A few things we did to make this whole process more fun and go much smoother were:

  • We video taped the whole thing so when our son is a little older he can see how big of a helper he was.
  • Once we were done gathering everything to take to the good will we made a tall of about how much we thought it was all worth.
  • After we dropped it off we made sure to get a recipt for tax reasons.
  • And while this may be a backwards thing to do, once we were done we took him and got him ONE toy, very cheap but we wanted him to feel good about helping others.
This tip, like all the others we have given is extremely simple and straight forward. That’s how we do it. Don’t get to complicated, things are easy if you just put a little effort into it.


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